Book Review : Whiteout by Adriana Anders

Whiteout by Adriana Anders
Series : Survival Instincts #1
Genre : Romantic Suspense
Publisher : Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date : January 28th, 2020

With a storm coming and a killer on the loose,
every step could be their last...

Angel Smith is finally ready to leave Antarctica for a second chance at life. But on what was meant to be her final day, the remote research station she's been calling home is attacked. Hunted and scared, she and irritatingly gorgeous glaciologist Ford Cooper barely make it out with their lives...only to realize that in a place this remote, there's nowhere left to run.

Isolated with no power, no way to contact the outside world, and a madman on their heels, Angel and Ford must fight to survive in the most inhospitable—and beautiful—place on earth. But what starts as a partnership born of necessity quickly turns into an urgent connection that burns bright and hot. They both know there's little chance of making it out alive, and yet they are determined to weather the coming storm—no matter the cost.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'Grumpy one' falls for the 'Sunshine one' stars

This was one of the best romantic suspense books that I've read this year!
I knew this was going to be good when one of my favorite authors, Amanda Bouchet recommended it! So, I zipped over to Netgalley and requested this one and read it in one sitting the day it got approved! 'Cause it was that good!

Whiteout features a few of my favorite things put together!
There's the grumpy male lead with the sunny female lead + scientific conspiracy + survival adventure. A perfect mix of elements, if you ask me!

Angel Smith, the research station's cook is gearing up to leave Antarctica after working in the summer months. Ford Cooper, glaciologist and resident Ice Man is ready to hunker down and spend the brutal winter with just his work for company. It's a good thing that the permanently sunny chef, who he finds himself drawn to is finally leaving right? Or so he tells himself.

A quick turn of events leaves Angel entangled in deep trouble and now both she and Ford are the only ones stuck on the station with no chance of help! Add the fact that they now have something in their possession that a shady organisation desperately wants, along with an incoming storm and limited rations, you've got a perfect recipe for disaster!

This book had me on the edge of my seat from page one! It takes a lot to make a romantic suspense book with a survival theme work, and add the fact that this one is set in Antarctica, you know that the author must have their hands full juggling all the plot points and making it work realistically! I was part-excited, part-scared to see how Ford and Angel would survive the dangerous trek across such a deadly landscape together!

Ford and Angel were so awesome together! When I was starting the read, I was like, man how is this even going to work? He doesn't even want to speak to her! Lol! But, the progression of their relationship felt so natural! From reluctant partners-in-survival to friends and then to lovers! The chemistry between them was off-the-charts! *fans self*

I think I liked Angel way more than Ford though! She was actually quite tough and not at all helpless! I really admired her quick thinking in the stressful situations and how much determination she had burning within her! My favorite thing about survival romances is that they never fail to remind me that survival is 90% willpower and 10% luck!

And before someone asks, how can you think about making out and stuff in the midst of all this? I'm telling you that the development of things is handled very realistically! ;) You'll have to read the book to know!

My only complaint would probably be the characters of the bad guys! They just didn't feel too well-rounded to me! Despite seeing things from their POV, something just felt missing! I would have liked a little more explanation on why they chose this course out of all the things when there are so many other ways to go about it!
Perhaps we will be getting that in the upcoming books!
The ending has me really excited for the rest of the series! I can't wait to see in which direction this whole thing is going to go!

If you're looking for something action-packed with a perfect mix of romance and suspense, I'd definitely urge you to give this one a try! You will not want to miss out on this!

*I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Adriana Anders is the award-winning author of the Love at Last series and Blank Canvas series. Under Her Skin, a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2017 and double recipient of the HOLT Medallion award, was featured in Bustle, USA Today Happy Ever After, and Book Riot, and Loving the Secret Billionaire was a Romance Writers of America 2019 Rita® Award Finalist. Today, she resides with her husband and two small children on the coast of France, where she writes the gritty, emotional love stories of her heart.

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