Cover Reveal: Quench My Fire by Havana Wilder

Quench My Fire by Havana Wilder
Genre : Contemporary Romance
Publication Date : August 19th, 2023
She’s Fleeing.
Piper Falls provides Harper with a secure refuge where she can live a life with new beginnings while hiding in plain sight.
He’s a man who is struggling with ghosts of his past.
Keelan is content with his life exactly as it is. His hometown, his family, and his red-clad brothers. He tries to keep things simple and easy ­­— until a chance encounter alters everything.
As this attractive firefighter disturbs Harper’s solitude, Keelan’s tightly fortified walls collapse. When an inferno erupts between them, they discover that the one thing they’ve been avoiding may perhaps be what they each need. 
But someone who doesn’t like the life Harper is now building lurks in the shadows…
Watching… Waiting... 
And the one who has it out for her may be unstoppable…

Havana always had a vivid imagination and is an avid dreamer. After discovering her love for fantasy/dystopian romances, she decided to put her dreams into reality. 
Writing a mix of fantasy, supernatural, and dystopian romance her first go around, but she desires to branch out and write other genres in the future. 
Her debut novel Protecting Tova is a fantasy dystopian romance.
