ARC Review : Night for Day by Roselle Lim

Night for Day by Roselle Lim
Genre : Fantasy Romance
Publisher : Ace Berkley
Publication Date : February 20th, 2024
Two people destined to be together, but to never see each other again, fight against the greatest odds in this powerful and moving fantasy novel by critically acclaimed author Roselle Lim.

Exes Ward Dunbar and Camille Buhay thought they would never see each other again. They had broken up to pursue their dream jobs on opposite sides of the country—her to New York City, and him to Los Angeles. But years later, they unexpectedly reconnect in London, where they are interviewing for similar jobs. The spark they feel when they meet again—the attraction comes back like muscle memory, and they are reminded of what they had lost. When Ward and Camille discover they both got the job working opposing shifts, they vow to give their relationship another try.

Ward starts the day shift and finds the immortal clientele unusual and dazzling. When he clocks out at the end of the day, he finds the door locked and himself trapped in the building. After a horrific first night shift contending with restless spirits and ghosts, Camille is also unable to escape. In their respective prisons, they discover that they’re able to talk to each other a few minutes before dawn. This fleeting encounter incites longing for each other, but their promise to be together feels impossible. Because they are caught in the middle of a war of the gods—and their choices will determine the outcome.

I was pulled in by the premise - which was quite unique and fascinating - and I finished reading it this weekend! 

Camille and Ward bump into each other in London, two years after their breakup and they reconnect while interviewing for new jobs. Just when they've decided to figure things out, they find themselves stuck in their respective workplaces while working opposing shifts with no way out. Not only do they not have any means to escape but they also have to deal with an unusual set of clientele - ghosts and gods - who seem to want something from them. Camille and Ward have been pulled into a war between the gods and their choices could decide the final winner. Though they cannot meet, they're able to find ways to communicate with each other and work together to solve the puzzles that could be the key to their freedom.

This one had the perfect mix of fantasy+romance! Camille and Ward were complete opposites and though this is a second chance romance, it didn't have the second chance angst(thankfully 😂) because there was no doubt about the love or connection between them. They just had to work through some minor issues while figuring out a way to save their lives 😆 I also loved seeing how they approached their situation and problems in completely different ways. The romance was pretty unique since they didn't meet each other for a major part of the plot but they're still in touch with each other while working together. It's kinda like a fantasy version of an escape room but with meddling gods and magic. I was expecting some of the things near the end, but there were a few other things that surprised me too! It did end up working out well and I loved how things were resolved! I'm quite excited to read the author's other books now after enjoying this one!❣️✨

You can also find this review on my bookstagram here

*I was provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Roselle Lim is the critically acclaimed author of Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune, Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop. Sophie Go’s Lonely Hearts Club, and the upcoming Night for Day. She lives on the north shore of Lake Erie and always has an artistic project on the go.
