ARC Review : The Trouble with Inventing a Viscount by Vivienne Lorret

The Trouble with Inventing a Viscount by Vivienne Lorret
Series : The Liars Club #2
Genre : Historical Romance
Publisher : Avon
Publication Date : September 24th, 2024
Honoria Hartley enjoys flirting far too much to consider marrying. And besides, she’s been betrothed since birth to the long-lost Viscount Vandemere. But no one has actually ever met the viscount and, without an heir, the title will soon become extinct. So she’s willing to do anything to keep her viscount alive, even if she has to invent him herself.

Oscar Flint is a first-rate gambler. Estranged from his father’s side of the family his entire life, he grew up beneath the tutelage of a legendary con artist. There isn’t anyone who could pull the wool over his eyes. Not until he crosses paths with Honoria. Losing to her puts him in a bind… Until he remembers her story about a lost heir to a viscountcy. An heir that no one has ever met. Not yet, anyway.

When Oscar arrives on Honoria’s doorstep, claiming to be Vandemere, she is thrown for a loop. This rogue is not her viscount. The only problem is, he’s quite convincing, and when he kisses her, the line between the lie and the truth becomes hazy in all the steam they create. Honoria refuses to gamble with her heart. But Oscar has never played by the rules and he’s determined to win, no matter the cost.

 I've always enjoyed reading Vivienne Lorret's historical romance books because they're so funny and have amazing characters! I loved book one in this series(all of them are standalones) - It Had To Be A Duke and I was really looking forward to reading this one! There's nothing I like more than seeing a lie turn into reality in these stories 😆⁣
Honoria Hartley has been engaged since birth to Viscount Vandemere but noone really knows much about him or where he is. Honoria is willing to keep up this ruse as it gives her the freedom to live the life she wants without being tied down in an actual marriage. So, imagine her surprise when an actual person shows up at her family's doorstep claiming that he is the viscount 😂 ⁣
Honoria and Oscar had met each other briefly at the gaming tables in Paris a year ago where Honoria ended up winning the prize money that he'd had his eyes on. And that brings him more trouble than he'd anticipated so now he's back in England pretending to be a viscount to hide out for some time while needling Honoria at the same time as she can't reveal his secret without bringing more scandal to her family.⁣
The story was so humorous and interesting! Honoria was different from the usual shy wallflowers as she's very confident in herself - I really admired that about her! She's headstrong and willing to go toe to toe with Oscar who knows how to charm and exasperate her at the same time😂 The chemistry between them was off the charts - definitely my favorite thing about this romance! I also loved the Hartley family - they were just as loving, funny and chaotic as they were in book one! The subplot regarding Vandemere's identity was also pretty interesting and I loved how it was wrapped up in the end. I hope we get to see more of the Hartley family in the upcoming books(I think Thea's story would be amazing!😂)⁣

You can also find this review on my bookstagram here

You can also find my reviews of the author's other books here

*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

USA Today bestselling author Vivienne Lorret transforms copious amounts of tea into words. She is an Avon author of works including: the Wallflower Wedding series, the Rakes of Fallow Hall series, the Season’s Original series, the Misadventures in Matchmaking series, and the Mating Habits of Scoundrels series.

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